A Brief History

Information gathered and compiled by Geoff Foreman.

The Mid Cheshire Society of Model Engineers originated in 1974, when the society was formed with a base in Northwich. In 1977 a 3½” and 5″ gauge railway was laid in the grounds of Moss Farm Recreation Centre and membership climbed to 30. Difficulties with the track’s foundations caused it to be lifted and the Society then had to rely solely on its portable track for its main activity of providing rides at local fetes and charity events. Membership stabilised at around a dozen active members until 1986 when, as a result of an exhibition locally, further interest was identified and the club grew to its then membership of 17.

In 1991, we became a limited company to restrict members’ personal liability, as claims for excessive damages began to follow the American pattern. At that time there was a huge demand from local organisations for attendance and we were able to reward ourselves with a ‘free’ annual trip to the Model Engineering Exhibition!

In the early 1990’s we moved to our current site, where our 5” and 7¼” track was installed and continues to be developed to this date. Current membership (2006) is 41. Steam models are at the centre of our activities, but not exclusively. We have jointly built five Club Engines, three steamers, an electric diesel outline loco and a similar petrol/hydraulic model. In the winter our fortnightly meetings are enlivened by “Bits and Pieces”, auctions etc. and occasional guest speakers. The meetings are for the most part informal and the Society is totally democratic!